fictionalizations of terrorism on American television are part of programming
trends that arose in the wake of 9/11.
One example is the prevalence of government-focused shows, such
as Homeland (2011-present), Person of Interest (2011-2016), Scandal (2012-present), House of Cards (2013-present), The Blacklist (2013-present), Madame Secretary (2014-Present), Blindspot (2015-present), Quantico (2015-present), and Designated Survivor (2016-present). Shows like these predominantly feature
political leaders and intelligence officers continually rescuing the country
from peril – often reinforcing the problematic us versus them binary (wherein
the “us” is almost always synonymous with American/Western citizens, although
the “them” changes in noteworthy ways during various historical moments). More recently, such shows have also
integrated serious political critique, often addressing ethical issues
surrounding the ways in which the U.S. has waged its war on terror. While these government-focused programs are
often more explicit in their attempts to remediate 9/11, shows across genre
lines (e.g. paranormal fantasy, science fiction, dystopia) have regularly
integrated post-9/11 motifs throughout the last decade and a half (e.g.
terrorism, government, salvation, justice, fear).
While the prevalence
of the above mentioned themes in television may allow viewers to work through some of the cultural
anxieties lingering from the September 11th attacks, this steady
stream of fear-based programming actually helps to create and sustain those
very same anxieties, creating a national climate of fear. Interestingly, these fear-based narratives do
not always align with the most contemporary global threats. For example, there are relatively few
representations, or references to, ISIS/ISIL in 21st century
television shows even though plots about terrorism still abound in popular
culture. This suggests that throughout the last decade TV shows
have often ignored the shifting geopolitical landscape (or have been slow to
depict it). For example, such narratives
often fail to address the ways in which the threat posed by ISIS/ISIL today
differs from those presented by Al-Qaeda in the years immediately following
9/11. The medium’s
continued role in post-9/11 affect modulation may explain this phenomenon. (I discuss the ways in which contemporary
television works through lingering post-9/11 fears in various blog posts on
While various post-9/11 themes continue to be prevalent in
contemporary shows, some things have shifted in TV programs that take on
terrorism storylines specifically. There
has been some effort to stray away from the stereotype of Arabic/Muslim terrorists
by developing plots that offer up another global threat (e.g. Madam Secretary included a storyline
focused on Russian cyberattacks). When
the typical Arab/Muslim as terrorist plot is in place, it is typically
accompanied with Arab/Muslim characters intended to counter such stereotypes.
Unfortunately, as scholars are quick to point out, this well-intentioned move
often simply results in crafting a new type of clichéd character. Alsultany, director of Arab and Muslim
American Studies at the University of Michigan, has documented the new TV trend
wherein “if there is a terrorist theme with a Muslim or Arab as a terrorist,
the writers and producers will typically throw in another Arab or Muslim
character to try and defuse the stereotype.” These characters tend to be depicted as
extremely patriotic American citizens or “an innocent Arab-American who’s been
victimized by post-9/11 hate.”
The most notable shift in representations of fictional terrorism on
television has been the increasing instance of plots that feature terrorist
actions/threats that stem from within the United States. Recent seasons of Designated Survivor and Quantico, for example, have had
storylines in which American citizens – often holding positions within
government – have been responsible for (or complicit in) large scale terrorist
attacks that occurred on U.S. soil. This
turn toward the terrorist-within storyline aligns to some extent with the
political critique found in many contemporary shows. This may reveal the continued distrust of
government officials that amplified post-9/11.
The one change that did not occur on a large scale throughout the last
decade and a half, as one might have expected, is reconfigured terrorist
storylines that reference or allegorize the contemporary threat of ISIS/ISIL
rather than al-Qaeda. While
ISIS/ISIL-related plots do occur within a few shows, their overall absence
(despite the fact that terrorism storylines remain prevalent) seems
telling. Like many programs, Madam Secretary, a TV show focused on
the behind-the-scenes work of the Secretary of State, Elizabeth McCord (Téa Leoni), focuses most of its terrorist storylines around a
fictional group (in this case, Hizb al-Shahid).
The common practice of creating a fictional terrorist organization may
be a tactic to protect a program’s shelf life, allowing it to have a universal
appeal even years after its release.
When fictional terrorists are embedded into storylines, as opposed to
fictionalizations of real terrorist groups, they can serve as stand-ins for any
terrorist group that may be at large when a viewer is watching the
episode. It also serves to distance
fictional narratives ever so slightly from the reality viewers may be trying to
escape. Although most of its
terrorism-themed episodes focus on its fictional terrorist group, Madam Secretary has also included
multiple references to ISIS/ISIL, including a recent storyline that suggests a
link between Hizb al-Shahid and ISIS/ISIL.
It has aired one particular episode specifically centered on
ISIS/ISIL. Despite its overt focus on this
real life terrorist group, this episode showcases how contemporary television
seems reluctant to move away from the America-in-peril motif found in post-9/11
2, episode 6, “Catch and Release,” opens with chilling footage that remediates
the ISIS/ISIL-caused deaths of the first American civilians: journalists James Foley and Steven Joel whose
videotaped beheadings were broadcast globally in August and September of 2014
(Hall, 2015). The first moments of this
episode include a video of an American aid worker accused of being a spy
kneeling beside an ISIS leader. The
American captive is forced to read a script about how the United States’
interference in Syria is responsible for his pending death by beheading. The remainder of the episode focuses on the
government’s investigation and response to this murder. Governmental officials
determine that the terrorist leader shown in the video is American born (and
importantly not of Arabic decent); this man also happens to be the son of a
State Department worker. The fact that Madam Secretary’s most comprehensive
storyline tackling ISIS/ISIL results in a plot focused on an estranged American
family is telling as it, again, places the United States at the center of a
narrative that had the potential to delve into wider-reaching geopolitical
concerns. Assuming current televisual texts are still being used to modulate
lingering post-9/11 fears, this episode serves as an example of the how such
programming seems to require a continued depiction of the United States as the
center of attention (and likely target) of the war on terror.
the lack of (realistic) representations of ISIS/ISIL on television might simply
align with the United States’ slow comprehension of this threat and/or the ways
in which it differs from its predecessor.
Writing for The Atlantic, Wood
(2015) explains how many Americans – and even, at least initially, government
officials – misunderstand the nature of ISIS/ISIL because they “tend to see
jihadism as monolithic” and, hence, “apply the logic of al-Qaeda to an
organization that has decisively eclipsed it.”
Wood (2015) details the ideological differences between ISIS/ISIL and
al-Qaeda and the ways in which these impact the focus of their terrorist
humanitarian cost of the Islamic State’s existence is high. But its threat to
the United States is smaller than its all too frequent conflation with al-Qaeda
would suggest. Al-Qaeda’s core is rare among jihadist groups for its focus on
the ‘far enemy’ (the West); most jihadist groups’ main concerns lie closer to
home. That’s especially true of the Islamic State, precisely because of its
ideology. It sees enemies everywhere around it, and while its leadership wishes
ill on the United States, the application of Sharia in the caliphate and the
expansion to contiguous lands are paramount.
regardless of whether television shows rely on the United States-in-peril motif
as part of the continued post-9/11 trends, or whether these hyperbolic plots
simply reflect Americentrism which is common in U.S. popular culture, it is
clear that integrating realistic storylines related to ISIS/ISIL would result
in an incongruity with the typical television mythology concerning terrorism. More realistic fictional portrayals of
ISIS/ISIL could actually help Americans better understand the threat this group
poses and, as a result, move past some unnecessary lingering post-9/11 fears
about the likelihood of another 9/11-like terrorist attack on U.S. soil. To its credit, Madam Secretary’s recent storyline discussing ISIS/ISIL in relation
to their fictional terrorist organization may actually provide this sort of
cultural education. In the scene that
introduces this storyline, the Secretary of State’s husband, a religious
scholar, Henry McCord (Tim Daly), questions the possibility of Hizb al-Shahid
and ISIS/ISIL working together because of their ideological differences. Should the television program decide to delve
into this in greater detail it might help counter the misconception that there
is some commonality between all jihadist terrorist groups.
television program that has provided the most realistic ISIS/ISIL related
storylines to date is Showtime’s Homeland. In fact, sadly, its fifth season premediated
the recent terrorist attacks in Europe. (The season was almost completely
filmed prior to the coordinated terrorist attacks that occurred in Paris on
November 13th, 2015, killing over one hundred people.) Fans may have anticipated a departure from
storylines focusing on Muslim terrorists during a season where the main
characters relocated from the Middle East to Europe. And while the season does delve into other
threats (with attention paid to Russian cyber terrorism, for example), the
focus on Muslim terrorism continues to be a major focus of the show (Hibberd,
2015). Critics have praised the show for pointing out real problems in the U.S.
approach to combatting ISIS/ISIL, pointing to one speech in particular, which
appeared in the season five opener, “Separation Anxiety” (Tapson, 2015). During a CIA debriefing, a main character, Peter
Quinn (Rupert Friend), an agent who spent two years in Syria, is asked whether
the U.S.’s strategy is working, to which he replies:
What strategy?
Tell me what the strategy is. I'll tell you if it's working. [Silence]
See, that right
there is the problem. Because they, they have a strategy. They're gathering
right now in Raqqa by the tens of thousands. Hidden in the civilian population.
Cleaning their weapons. And they know exactly why they're there. Why is that?
They call it the end times. What do you think the beheadings are about? The
crucifixions in Deir Hafer? The revival of slavery? You think they make this
shit up? It's all in the book. Their fucking book. The only book they ever
read. They read it all the time. They never stop. They're there for one reason
and one reason only. To die for the caliphate and usher in a world without
infidels. That's their strategy. And it's been that way since the seventh
century. So, do you really think that a few special forces teams are gonna put
a dent in that? (Raff, Mann, Stoudt, Gansa & Gordon, 2015).
asked for suggestions for how to proceed Quinn recommends “200,000 troops on
the ground indefinitely to provide security and support for an equal number of
doctors and elementary school teachers” (Raff, Mann, Stoudt, Gansa &
Gordon, 2015). He is, of course, told
this is impossible. This fictional CIA
agent’s assessment of his government’s inability to effectively combat
ISIS/ISIL realistically delves into the difficult predicament the U.S. finds
itself in concerning the real world fight against them.
With thoughtfully crafted storylines, fictional television has the
potential to critique U.S. military practices and to help inform citizens about
geopolitical issues. However, as seen in
the discussion of post-9/11 fictional programming on the air, it also had the
potential to maintain cultural anxieties that have dominated the United States
for the past 15 years. Furthermore, when storylines fail to align realistically
with real world conditions, television may actually end up manufacturing
unfounded fears. The continued attention to 9/11 (or at the very least
post-9/11 televisual themes evident in this study) neglects contemporary
threats and perpetuates a fear cycle from which viewers have very little chance
of breaking free.
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